A downloadable short story

Fiore Iandanza has always been in love with knowledge, but as a child, they were never a fan of secrets. After they left their village to further their own education, they learned how vast the world truly was and how important secrets could sometimes truly be. Their education grew beyond the typical curriculum, and they soon gained a title honoured amongst the esoterics: “Your Kindness”,

As a  tamer of common beasts and lesser known crytpids and as an exorcist that removes those and that which no longer belong, Fiore has returned to their village to find that the greatest secret has been under their nose all along.

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This NBxNB/A4A story contains pathetic monsters, monster romance, childhood friends, blood letting, slight body worship, and somewhat suggestive themes. This work was given a single pass by myself with some feedback by others.

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Sanguineous Salvation is actually inspired by a tweet (a thread, actually)! Though my monster isn't a vampire, I still gained a lot of traction with this single idea. Please support OP's work or thank them somehow for the inspiration.

Development log

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